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General COVID Vaccine FAQs:

Question: Who is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and which brand do you offer?

Answer: All children 6 months and older are eligible to receive the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine. Allegro Pediatrics supports your family’s decision to receive either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine. We do have limitations on what we can offer in clinic to our patients. At this time, we only offer the Moderna vaccine to all patients. Please visit Vaccinate WA to find vaccine locations in the community if you would prefer a different brand.

Question: If my child recently had COVID infection, can they still get a COVID booster?

Answer: Yes. It is safe for your child to receive a booster as soon as their isolation period from COVID infection has ended.

Question: I have heard that the immune response to the booster is better if I wait longer after my child was infected. Is that true?

Answer: It depends on your child and family’s risk factors. There is some evidence that waiting 3 months after infection produces a better immune response if your child has no risk factors. For patients who are immune suppressed, have chronic health conditions, or live with someone who is high-risk, it is better to not risk reinfection at all during the holiday season than to wait too long. We recommend high-risk children get a booster as soon as possible.

Question: Can my child get their COVID vaccine at a regular in-clinic appointment?

Answer: All doses of the Moderna COVID vaccine are available at scheduled Well Care Check-ups and follow-up appointments. We also offer COVID vaccine only appointments for current Allegro patients by appointment only. 

Question: What if my child can't get the second dose of the COVID vaccine at exactly the recommended interval?

Answer: We recommend your child get their second dose 4 weeks after the first dose of the Moderna vaccine. If for any reason they cannot, know 4 weeks is a minimum interval. You should schedule the second vaccine as soon as possible after 4 weeks.

Question: What do you recommend if my child is 11 years now but will be turning 12 years soon?

Answer: We advise that every patient get protected against COVID-19 infection as soon as they are eligible. Any patient who gets their first dose when they are 11 years old then turns 12 years old before their second dose should receive the 12+ year-old dose for their second shot. 

Question: My child is medically complex. Is there anything I need to consider before getting them vaccinated against COVID?

Answer: No. The approved COVID vaccines have been shown to safe for kids. Medically complex children are at highest risk for complications from COVID infection, so it is very important to ensure they are protected as soon as possible.

Question: My child has a history of allergies to food, the environment, or medicine. Is it safe for them to get this vaccine?

Answer: Yes. When reviewing the data of the tens of millions of vaccines given around the world, only a few patients in total experienced a severe allergic reaction. As a precautionary measure, we monitor all patients for 15 minutes after they receive their COVID vaccine and ask any patient with a history of severe allergic reactions (needing an Epi-Pen) to be observed by medical personal for 30 minutes after their shot.

Question: Are kids really getting very sick from COVID-19 infection?

Answer: Just because adults tend to get far sicker than children, doesn’t mean that COVID-19 infection in kids is no big deal. The vaccine significantly lessens the incidence of transmission, serious disease, hospitalizations, and death in all ages.

Question: Is it safer to wait and see if there are long-term side effects of the COVID vaccine?

Answer: No. In the history of vaccines, most serious side effects occur in the first month—really the first days and weeks—that a vaccine is given. We recommend that you do not wait because we believe the true risks of COVID infection far outweigh the minimal risks of COVID vaccine. In the history of medicine, it is much more likely that a virus (COVID infection) will trigger an autoimmune problem than a single protein delivered by a vaccine.

Question: What side effects can my kid expect from the vaccine?

Answer: Vaccine companies have studied a variety of lower doses to find the optimal match between providing protection while minimizing side effects. Reported side effects are minimal and may include sore arms, fever, fatigue, body aches, diarrhea, nausea, headache, or redness and pain at the injection site.

Question: My child already tested positive for COVID-19, should they still get vaccinated?

Answer: Yes, the CDC recommends getting vaccinated, even if you have already been sick with COVID-19. Early research suggests that even if you have had COVID-19, natural immunity may not last very long. Additionally, it is not known how long after being infected with COVID-19 you may be able to get it again, and reinfection has occurred in the community. Receiving the vaccine will better protect you from contracting the virus again. Here is some information on special situations that may impact the timing of receiving a COVID vaccine:

  • If your child had a known COVID-19 exposure: Wait for quarantine period to end before vaccinating
  • If your child is currently sick with COVID-19: Wait for illness to resolve and for the isolation period to end
  • If your child received monoclonal antibody: Wait 90 days from infusion to vaccinate to prevent inactivating the COVID-19 vaccine
  • If your child was diagnosed with MIS-C: Wait 90 days from hospital discharge

Question: Does my child need to delay regular vaccines if they get COVID vaccine?

Answer: No. Although the CDC initially recommended a 14-day waiting period between all vaccines and the COVID vaccine, it has since been proven to be safe when given at any time before or after any other vaccine, including the seasonal flu vaccine.

Question: Can my child receive the COVID vaccine and booster elsewhere in the community?

Answer: Yes. COVID vaccines are offered at most local pharmacies and at Seattle Children's Hospital. Visit the Vaccine Locator to find an appointment in your area. 

Question: Is it possible to get COVID from the COVID vaccine?

Answer: No. None of the approved COVID vaccines contain the live virus that causes COVID-19.

Question: What do you recommend for pregnant or breastfeeding moms who are eligible to receive the COVID vaccine?

Answer: The CDC has released new data on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant and breastfeeding individuals. It has been found that pregnant and recently pregnant people are more likely to get severely ill with COVID-19 compared with non-pregnant people. Receiving a COVID vaccine is the best way to prevent severe illness from COVID. There is currently no evidence that receiving the COVID vaccine causes fertility problems in women or men. We recommend you contact your obstetrician to discuss your individual risk factors.

Question: How do mRNA vaccines work?

Answer: The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines both use mRNA technology. While this is the first time it’s being widely used in a vaccine for the public, this type of vaccine has been researched for more than three decades. Watch this quick animation that explains how mRNA vaccines work!  

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