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Diabetes Awareness

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month! Our own Dr. Brandi Irwin discusses the hard work people with diabetes and their families do every day to manage their disease.


Autism Acceptance

April is Autism Acceptance Month. Lauren Forbes, Nurse Practitioner at Allegro Pediatrics, offers helpful information for families of children with an autism diagnosis.


Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common childhood illness that typically affects children under 5 years old.



Antibiotics are a type of medication used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Antibiotics are not able treat infections caused by viruses.


Vomiting & Diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea in children is typically caused by a virus affecting the stomach. Vomiting is the body's way of protecting the intestines from germs. Diarrhea is the body's way of getting rid of germs.


Pink Eye

Pink eye (or conjunctivitis) is a common childhood infection. Learn about what causes it, how it is treated, tips for giving your child eye drops, and when to seek medical attention.


How to Help a Child Who is Fearful of Vaccinations

Tips you can use to help a child who is anxious or fearful of needles and create a positive experience.


Preparing for Back-to-School

Helpful tips from our doctors for shifting out of summer mode and establishing a consistent back-to-school routine.


How to Help a Child Who is Fearful of Needles

Tips you can use to help a child who is anxious or fearful of blood draws and create a positive experience.


Well Care Check-Ups

Well Care Check-ups are designed to track your child's growth and development, address your questions and concerns, and help you anticipate what comes next in your journey with your child.


Immunization Myths

Several myths surrounding the safety and effectiveness of immunizations exist. Here are seven myths about vaccines and the evidence explaining why they are false.


How should we talk to kids about race and ethnicity?

Talking to children about race and culture at a developmentally appropriate level provides them with the tools to care for themselves and those around them.


Mental Health Awareness

It is important to understand how to support your child's mental wellness and what to look for as potential signs of a mental health problem.


Starting Solids

Learn the signs that your baby is ready to start solids, what foods to avoid, what foods to encourage, and how to introduce solid food into their diet.


Toilet Training

Learn the signs your child is ready to potty train, how to prepare them, and how to transition to the toilet.